A Goal Without a Plan Is Just a Wish!

I cannot remember where I heard or read "a goal without a plan is just a wish," but it has resonated with me.  It's so true.  I am a good dreamer/wisher ;).  Dreaming is easy, but without a plan, dreams just stay dreams. 

I have a lot of goals, but at this season in life if I am really honest with myself the ones that are most important involve my family.  One of my goals for 2017 was to get back to cooking for our family.  I know with nourishing meals and family time, our house just functions better.  We are better, nicer people.  Life gets crazy with the business, kids activities, and countless other commitments.  It's easy to push meal time to the side and grab something on the fly. 

Our time with all of us under one roof is flying by fast and furious, and it scares the heck out of me!  I want our kids to remember meal time as a family.  I want them to know that we love them enough to give them a good meal.  I want us to take time to connect as a family and hear about each others day.  We will never get these days back, so I created a planner to keep me on track.  It forces me to plan meals, create a shopping list, and track other fitness goals.  I printed a bunch, filled a binder, and have been using them to kick off 2017!  Click here and enjoy!